First Lesson

Wow...I made a blog and this is my first post. I've never made a blog before so I'm interested to see how this can work for keeping track of work, learning and gathering evidence.

In the first lesson we played with syringes. Found that air is squashy - compressible and water was not - incompressible. We also found that you can make a popping noise. This is because the air molecules are far apart and so can be squashed together whereas the water molecules are already close together and so can't be squashed any further.

Pneumatics is the use of air to power machines

  • Can be cheap as air  is free
  • Doesn't contaminate product so good for food processing applications
  • Good for quick movements as air is low density
Hydraulics is the use of liquid to power machines
  • Precise movements as fluid is incompressible
  • Can transfer greater force
  • Oil can lubricate parts whilst moving them
  • Some fluids are toxic
  • Some fluids can operate at high temperatures (such as brakes)




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